👨‍💻Sociology Revision Notes-3👨‍💻For IAS/PSC/UGC-NET/Other Exams

                   JAMES BURNHAM

💁‍♂Book👉"the managerial revolution"
💁‍♂All the power will be in the hand managers(separation of operation and control) 
💁‍♂Managers will be new elites. 
                      TB Bottomore
💁‍♀Born in colonial India, then went to England, greatly influenced by communist thoughts and act as a bridge between Indian society ,marxism,information about  communism and and colonialism in capitalist and liberal society in Britain. 
💁‍♀Book👉"the elites and Society "
💁‍♀Elites are different in different society. 
💁‍♀Elites are different in industrial world and different in developing world(Fuedal lord like RAJA AND MAHARAJA) . 
💁‍♀He examined the roles of elites in relation to class and class structure and criticized the democratic and socialistic conception of elites. 
💁‍♀Society is moving towards egalitarianism and multiple elites system especially in developing states. For example :
👉Dynastic people 
👉Middle class people 
👉Revolutionary intellectuals
👉Colonial administrator 
👉Nationalist leaders

           Conflict Theories of Powers

👉Talk about "Haves and Have not".Haves are owner of production eg- elites class.
Elites use "coercive power but accepted due to false consciousness".But according to Karl Marx, real consciousness is to eliminate capitalist and need to adopt socialism. 
👉In his book "communist manifesto" he stated that oppression of one class by other class is political power. 
👉According to him, Power is pervasive which dominant class exercises in every field through dominant ideologies.

💁‍♀Michel Foucault- Power and Knowledge:

👉As per him, Power is not concentrated in one place or one hand of particular individuals however power is available in every social relationship and is not exercise by state only. 
👉Power and knowledge are linked to each other and produce one another. 
Adhar card - Government is try to collect information about citizens and will try control the citizens according to available information. 
👉Power therefore involves new type knowledge to collect information and exercise more control over it's population. 
👉This involves development of discourses.
Example-One have more knowledge than others to justify himself like doctors, psychiatrist, governments justify through more knowledge when policy fails, etc. and exercise control on population. 
👉He does not see power in coercive form but paradoxically, he only sees power as operating when people have some freedom. 
👉In his Book "Madness and Civilization"
     He said that discourse is practice that      systematically form the objects of            which they speak. Example: psychiatry created mentally ill. Power is part of the discourse of psychiatry(knowledge) not held by individual psychiatrist.
👉In his Book "Discipline and Punish"
He traced the change in idea, nature and purpose of punishment in 18th century. 
By 19th century, punishment changed from body to that soul means intention changed to reform.
People were judged for what they were instead of that they have done(people started naming the person like thief, murder etc).
Motivation behind crime began to be taken account.
This brought expert into power to find out the reasons. 
Hence, Power is exercised rather than possessed and it can be reversed when we take second opinion from others. Example -diagnosis of psychiatrist can be questioned.
Panopticon State: (looking at all) 
Example-Jailor and prisoners, Adhar card, etc. 
--Surveillance encourage self discipline 
Having feeling that human have soul and can be manipulated to produce Docile Bodies.


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