👨‍💻Sociology Revision Notes-1👨‍💻For IAS/PSC/UGC-NET/Other Exams

1. Stratification based on Class:

Class is division of structure of society based on social status and social conditions in society.
👉It is pre-Karl marxian concept. 
👉According to Aristotle, Class is divided into lower, middle and poor. 
👉St. Simon used to to define estate. 

Characteristic of Social Stratification of Class:

👉Vertical order
👉Idea of permanent class order interest.
👉Idea of class consciousness and solidarity is available. 
Thus, class endores the idea of social distancing like social inequalities and and social boundaries.

Definitions of Class:

💁‍♂Karl Marx 
defined the class based on means of production and antagonistic class history between proletariat and bourgeoisie.

💁‍♂Max Weber 
defined the class based on market place viz a viz skills, talent and capacity and defy the idea of Karl Marx of lacking in group self-consciousness.

These classes are four types:

💁‍♀ Propertied upper class
💁‍♀Property less white collar workers
💁‍♀Petty bourgeoisie 
💁‍♀Manual working class

💁‍♂Ralf Dahrendorf 
defined that class will become more and more heterogeneous with time and working class will decided into skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled. 

💁‍♂Anthony Giddens divided into:
➡️Upper class-who holds means of production 
➡️Middle class-who have technical means
➡️Lowe class-who hold manual labou

💁‍♂Frank Parking 
state that middle class is happy at their end and doesn't desire for upper or lower class and act as buffer zone against polarisation as envisaged by Karl Marx. 

💁‍♂Pierre Bourdieu 
defined in term of horizontal stratification and in the form of different capitals in the society like:
➡️Who hold economic capital as a industrial capitalists. 
➡️Who hold cultural capital as acknowledg capitalist 
➡️Who hold symbolic capital known as power capitalist. 

💁‍♂W.L Warner
👉Used "Reputational approach"
👉Yankee city is book
👉Understand the nature of class in America 
👉Informant like how other people think about particular person. 

💁‍♂Classes vary in society based in ascription and achievement.
➡️Traditional based society is ascription based society. 
➡️Modern based society is achievement oriented or market oriented. 


Thus, Stratification of class answer following questions of poverty, exclusion, inequalities, deviance, social mobility, social change, status, power, life chances, lifestyles etc. 
With increase in economic development, there is persistent effort by the state to redistribution of wealth in one form or in other form as
➡️Progressive taxation on income 
➡️Estate duties and taxes on capital gains 

Hence, there is increase in middle class and equality of living standards.
But, if there will be inequalities,Karl Marx theory will remain relevant. 

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