🦅Indian Vultures and it's IUCN status🦅SDG15

                                          🦅Indian Vultures and it's IUCN status🦅

👨‍🏫There are nine different species of vultures found in India as given in above figure include:
1.Egyptian vulture-Neophron percnopterus 
2.Griffon vulture-Gyps fulvus
3.White-rumped vulture-Gyps     bengalensis 
4.Himalayan griffon-Gyps himalayensis

Conservation of vultures in India:

👩‍🏫Conservation plan has started after 150 vultures spotted in Valmiki Tiger Reserve of Bihar state. 

👨‍🏫Authorities of Valmiki Tiger Reserve (VTR) have started taking action to conserve the vultures sighted in this protected area.

👨‍🏫They are found at upper level in food chain and important for natural environment as keep the environment clean by scavenging on cattle carcasses.

👩‍🏫They have religious significance too.As per Hindu mythology, vultures are sacred and vehicle of God Vishnu.In Parsi community, dead bodies are disposed in front of vultures as religious practice.

Threats and cause of concern:

👩‍🏫Diclofenac and veterinary drugs are cause of concern for vulture populations. As per the study, Vultures died after consuming the flesh of cattles that were administered by diclofenac and other veterinary drugs.As s result, there are large and drastic decline in populations of vultures in India. 

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